
Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 22, 2013- Mixing it up

I've been hearing reports for the last 3 years of speckled trout caught right off the banks of Little Deal Island, and reports of larger ones lately, so time to give it a try.  Besides, the fishing in Tangier Sound has been so ordinary lately that it was time to try something new.  Also, stiff SW winds made it pretty choppy in the main sound.  as

I anchored probably 75 yards off the island, in about 4-5 feet of water.  Winds were out of the SW at a good steady 20 knots, so a little choppy and the water a little dirty.  Made casts toward the bank on the island, tossing my bottom rig about 50 yards.  Soft crab was reported to be the ticket for bait, so that's what I used, and mixed in a little bit of squid as the crab didn't stay on long.  Started catching fish right away at 7 PM (storms kept me off the water earlier).  It began with large croaker, mixed in with some of their smaller brethren.  Then a couple of 15-16 inch rockfish, which gave me a nice little battle on my light tackle. Then my first speckled trout, which came in right at 14 inches and into the cooler.  Right at the (low) tide change at 8:40 things really picked up, and I caught a 20-inch speckled trout which gave me the best fight of the night.  Things finally slowed up at about 9:15 PM, at which point I called it quits as darkness was setting in.

The next morning, I continued the same game at 7AM, capturing the low tide at 9:30 AM.  No trout today but a nice 18 inch rockfish broke up the pattern of repeating croaker.  After the tide change I moved out to deep water and caught a couple of keepers.  Total tally for two days- 19 fish in the cooler.  Conclusion- I will return to this shallow water bank fishing in quest for some more trout.  Besides, I had forgotten just how spectacular the trout taste. Taking next weekend off for family stuff and prevailing stormy weather, but back after the 4th of July.

June 13, 2013- good news/bad news

I'll keep this short and sweet.  Launched out of Wenona for a nice evening high tide. Fished about every location and depth and the results were the same:  Lots of fish, and all small.  I must have caught 50+ hardheads, and I kept ZERO.  This is very unusual for June.  Looking back through previous posts and also searching my memory, June is usually my top month.  The only thing I can say is that we have had unusual weather all spring in two respects: 1) It has been unusually cool, and 2) It has been unusually wet.  I'm talking VERY wet and VERY cool, all spring.  Great for my garden, not so great for fishing.  Until next week.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Another late start, but,.....

So after catastrophic infusion of my boat's fuel with water last fall and an early end to my season, I meticulously addressed the situation and got the boat running- the ultimate goal of course being to catch fish.  Knowing full well that this spring would be all things focused on daughter Kara, graduating from high school, starring in her high school musical, prom etc, my early season opportunities were few.  First week of April I embarked on some early season crabbing and caught a few, only to break the axle under my smaller (jon) boat.  My next opportunity for anything on the water came Memorial Day weekend, and 25-30 knot winds prevailed- although I was able to get the center console out for a spin.

So, my first real opportunity to get the boat out and fish was June 8 and 9.  And both days I was compelled to fish the middle of the day, not my preference but that was the hand I was dealt.  Saturday June 8 I arrived at Deal Island literally in the midst of 5 inches of rain. 
Patiently awaiting my chance, and also limited by my commitment to play bass with Captain Harry and Crew at Shedders that night, I launched from Wenona at 1 PM.  High tide was at 2:30 so my window was limited.  Nice calm seas but dodging some lingering showers which appeared to be more to the south, I headed NE to the west side of the channel, across from buoy 14.  A few drifts yielded only one fish, so just before tide change I turned and burned south and back across the channel for buoy 12.  Trying different depths, I began to catch hardhead at between 30 and 35 ft, and this was where I focused for the remainder of my time, until about 4:30.  Overall the fish were small, but stretching my otherwise more stringent cut-off of 11 or 12 inches I managed to put 7 in the cooler, with a few nice ones mixed in (12-13 inches).

Day 2, Sunday June 9 I laucned at 8 AM in advance of the 9:30 Low Tide.  The experience was much the same as the day before, except that I started on the east side of the channel north of buoy 12, as that is where Capt. Harry was anchored.  That was slower than slow, so I Moved back down by buoy 12, and found my bite this time in 35-40 ft.  The fish were similar to the day before, with about 10 throwbacks (often 2 at a time) for every keeper. Winds were calm and so was the tide, it made for a really gentle drift, which was nice.  Added 10 more to the cooler, including one spot.  Boat ran well, but I need to try a different primer bulb, as this one (which I recently replaced) is not holding a prime.

Last note- earlier in the week I had the opportunity to be guest aboard my buddy Eric's boat, launching out of Ocean City and fishing the wrecks at about 8 - 12 miles out.  I caught 5 keeper sea bass (>12.5 inches) and one cod (a first for me), which I threw back.  Overall a beautiful day and my first fish of the year.