
Monday, March 19, 2012

Time to catch up- New Year (2012)

Wow, if you've read any of my older posts you may have wondered where I have been since October.  I'll try to be succinct,.,..

When I last posted, the trailer on my crabbing boat had basically disintegrated as I was pulling my crabbing boat back to Deal Island from Dames Quarter.  This really put a cramp on future fall crabbing activities.  I got out one more time with one of my other boats and did quite well, but really I was pre-occupied with the repair on the broken one.  While I probably should have just bought another trailer, I was determined to fix this one and fix it myself. I was also aiming to keep costs down.  Found a lightly used axle and springs and set to work.  What a project this turned out to be.  Demolition of the old trailer was more than I bargained for- salt water had managed to really cement everything together, ruining most bolts and nuts and making conventional disassembly impossible. Perseverance paid off and I finally got everything off down to the frame.  In the process, I discovered that there wasn't much usable beyond the frame. Replacement of one part lead to discovery of needing to replace another.  The axle and springs didn't fit quite right, so I needed to acquire some bracketry and engineer it on the fly.  Replaced both wheels and tires- ching ching ouch.  Winch was toasted- ching.  New brackets for the fenders.  New bow stop.  And finally, some new rollers and shaft bolts for the roller runners.  March 18, the project was finally completed and I am proud to say that I learned a lot about trailers in the process.  Now to get the boat back on the trailer.

While I wrapped up crabbing season early, I had hoped to get a bunch of deer hunting in.  Another curve ball- I took another job as my position was transferred to Nebraska.  Love the new job but as a result of having to learn so much anew, getting time away was not as easy as in the past.  But, I got a few days  of hunting in- much during some very warm and rainy weather.  Toward the end of my time in the field (hunting public land), I finally landed a pretty decent spot where the deer frequently came out at dusk to feed.  Trouble is, they came out so late in the day that use of conventional rifle sights was not do-able.  And, I came to realize that my old scope was not up to the task of low-light hunting conditions.  And that's how the season ended.  I got a new scope for Christmas and although I have it mounted, I've yet to sight the new scope in.  That's my next project.

So, here we are in March after the warmest winter in memory.  Reports of flounder at Folly's Creek are pouring in, as are rockfish at Deal Island caught off the banks.  Now I want to get my center console ready.  Before I re-set the battery and fire her up, I put a new fuel inlet on it- and that was tonight's project.  Waiting on the boat sticker to cover everyone fishing, then I should be ready to roll.

So, while I haven't scored as much wild meat as I had hoped through the fall, my buddy Danny Benton gave me a deer, which I was all too happy to butcher and which I have been turning in to jerky thoughout the winter.  I bought a really nice Hobart slicer but only after I had cubed the venison.  Experimented with some beef using the slicer and am anxious to do some more venison.  Another cool acquisition was the Big Chief Smoker that Bruce Davis gave me.  I smoked a lot of Croaker with the smoker and wow did it turn out well.  I also realized just how much fish I actually froze during the summer.  Almost forgot- the coolest new toy I got was a vacuum sealer- which I have used with venison jerky, smoked croaker, and anything else I have frozen in the last few months.  Except oysters- which I have been buying shucked off of Capt Danny and man they are so good.  Be back soon with a fishing report